Stefano Malferrari studied at the conservatoire “G. B. Martini“ of Bologna and got his diploma (with honours) at the conservatoire “G. Rossini“ of Pesaro under the guide of Franco Scala. After that, he continued his studies with the pianists Jörg Demus and Gyorgy Sandor.
Classified among the winners of a few international competitions (Enna, Senigallia), he gave concerts: recitals and soloist with orchestra (Warsaw Symphony Orchestra, Recife Symphony Orchestra, Accademia Bizantina), chamber music groups, and ensembles of contemporary music for celebrated Italian associations and concert halls, such as Sala Verdi (Milan), Philharmonic Academy (Rome), Teatro Comunale (Florence), and Teatro Comunale (Bologna). Other concerts have been given in Europe (Switzerland, France, Germany, Sweden, Croatia, Iceland, Norway, Great Britain, Spain, Russia, Greece), middle and south America (Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Ecuador), and Asia (Kazakstan, Thailand).
He played in several international festivals: “Rossini Opera Festival” (Pesaro), “Festival dei Due Mondi” (Spoleto), “Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (Florence)”, “MilanoMusica” (Milan), “Settembre Musica” (Turin), “Biennale Musica” (Venice), “Cité de la musique” (Strasbourg) and “International Bergen Festival” (Bergen, Norway), Ravenna Festival, Dimitria Festival (Thessaloniki).
Very committed to chamber music and Lieder repertoire, he played with many renowned musicians, e.g., the flautists Andrea Griminelli, Giorgio Zagnoni, the pianist Jörg Demus, the violinist Domenico Nordio, the sopranos Dimitra Theodossiu, Irina Lungu and Lorna Windsor and the mezzo Monica Bacelli.
He has devoted particular attention to the contemporary repertoire by collaborating with the violinist Enzo Porta, the flautist Annamaria Morini, and the pianist Mauro Castellano; on many occasions he presented works in first absolute execution, by collaborating with composers such as Sylvano Bussotti, Jonathan Harvey, Tristan Murail, Adriano Guarnieri, Paolo Aralla, Cristina Landuzzi, and Chiara Benati. He has taken part in many contemporary music ensembles, e.g. Octandre (Bologna), FontanaMIX (Bologna), European Music Project (Ulm, Sweden) and Zephir Ensemble (Palermo).
In October 2008 he played in the 1° world performing of “Concerto per l’Infanzia” for piano, soprano and orchestra of Marco Biscarini, at the Theater Santa Isabel of Recife, with Recife Symphonic Orchestra.
Some performances of his were broadcasted by RAI (Italian Television), foreign radios, and private networks. He recorded some CDs for NUOVA CARISCH, NLM, NUOVA ERA, AGENDA, TACTUS, VERMEER and EMAVINCI.
Besides teaching at the conservatoire “G. B. Martini” of Bologna, he held courses and conference-concerts for several Italian musical institutions. Moreover, he is director (with Lorenzo Bianconi and Giorgio Pagannone) of the book series “Chiavi d’ascolto” [Listening Keys] (Albisani Editions). He was appointed as a jury-member in some national and international piano and chamber music competitions. He collaborated as director or artistic consultant for both private and institutional cultural and musical associations. He was also involved in the establishment of the contemporary musica ensemble FontanaMIX